Your Transformation

Learn how past & present laws & policies expanded the US racial wealth income gap. Understand the wealth-building opportunities that have been hindered. You will realize that YOU are a gatekeeper to help marginalized people build wealth and finally attain true equity. Let’s get started!

    1. Welcome to The Black Alliance Transformation!

    2. The Black Alliance Pre-Transformation Survey

    3. Preparation for your Transformation & Mindfulness Meditation

    1. Introducing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

    2. Workbook: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "The Danger of a Single Story"

    3. Introducing The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America [Video Summary] by Shawn D. Rochester

    4. The Black Tax Video Summary Workbook

    5. Introducing: Underground -- TV Series & Historical Analysis

    6. Underground: S. 1 Ep. 1 Workbook Analysis

    7. Introducing: The Great Debaters -- Film & Historical Analysis

    8. The Great Debaters (Workbook)

    1. Think-Tank Workbook

    2. The Black Alliance Post-Transformation Survey

Achieving equity together!

  • $500.00
  • 13 lessons
  • Solution-Oriented Think-Tank
  • History, Entertainment & Conversations with levity

Creator & Instructor

Stephanie M. Mosley

Creator & Instructor

Stephanie M. Mosley is a Scholar, Screenwriter, Actor/Singer, Advocate for Survivors of interpersonal violence, and Philanthropic Activist in Los Angeles, CA, originally from Mobile, AL. She is a Graduate Student within Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education & Psychology, with a focus on Social Entrepreneurship & Change. Stephanie is a leader who educates the masses about how to infuse Historical Empathy into our society to heal the generational wounds of racial hatred within our economy and governance. It is with hope that this unique learning method can provide a stronger foundation for our nation’s morale to be rebuilt upon. Stephanie is equally determined to infuse life, hope, joy, resources, and services into survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, and sex trafficking around the nation and world so that they can build a stronger foundation for their individual futures that is full of peace, self-love, joy, and hope. This widespread healing will be shared within a unique event called The Antidote Conference. More information will be shared about this upcoming event towards the end of this year. Stephanie's efforts are also dedicated to enhancing the lives and opportunities of foster youths and unhoused adults.

Do you believe that YOU can be a change agent that hastens racial equity?

I absolutely believe that you can! Click the button below to see how you can learn how to make a difference that is authentic to you, your passions, and your organization.


“The Black Alliance Course was so enlightening and made extremely complicated subject matter digestable. One of the things that really impressed me was Stephanie’s ability to faciliate meaningful conversation. Her personality is unbelieveably warm and open which helped the students engage in an honest dialogue. She managed to make everyone in the room comfortable and not afraid to ask questions or share. I felt that I came away with action items and it fundamentally changed my perspective.”

Michelle Klonsky-Nemon [Crescent Capital Group, LP]

“Over about five months between November 2020 and March 2021, I participated as a test group student in Stephanie’s Black Alliance E.Q. (Emotional Intelligence) Course. Stephanie described the course as one “meant to share wisdom regarding historical race relations, not to humiliate or shame anyone.” And under Stephanie’s tutelage, the course did just that. It was for me, a white male closing in on seventy, at once enlightening, disheartening, crushing and inspiring. Stephanie’s program thoughtfully and with wisdom and sensitivity explored the long and often unspoken history of race relations and the class and socioeconomic impacts it continues to have on all Americans.”

Paul Douglas [Crescent Capital Group, LP]

“Within this same course, Stephanie has used psychology and other relatable methods and practices to connect with those who she’s informing and educating. Her syllabus of the course has been concise, clear, well-defined and very instructive. The course has presented a different perspective of how racism is viewed and experienced through the eyes of a Black person, and how this in turn impacts our society. Stephanie has introduced a convincing look of race as the social construct that it is, which in turn allows others to understand its massive socioeconomic implications towards Black Americans. More importantly, she has offered a clear look of racism that we can name, quantify and change. She has taught us through a list of exercises, videos and readings, the importance of understanding not only negative perceived notions and biases towards Black Americans, but also the historical quantification and its negative impact in the overall American economy. Stephanie has also been thorough in her description and research, which outlines a persistent race dilemma in American society.”

Lupita Arcipreste [Crescent Capital Group, LP]